
The generosity of alumni, parents, trustees and friends is crucial to Middleburg Academy’s advancement. Financial sustainability is an issue for all independent schools today, and our Annual Fund is critical to this end.  There is a significant gap between our tuition income and what it actually costs to operate the school.  Our students and faculty count on you and everyone in the Middleburg Academy community to help make up the difference every year.

The Annual Fund offers you the opportunity to sustain the Academy’s legacy which supports all facets of school life including a broad array of academic, athletic and artistic programs, scholarships for students, and support for our dedicated faculty. Middleburg Academy is a student-oriented community dedicated to helping children prepare for their college careers and life beyond their formal education.

Our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported Middleburg Academy by giving generously to this extraordinary school.  100% of our students benefit from the quality and character of Middleburg Academy, which is made possible by supporting the Annual Fund.

We encourage you to be a part of the excitement by making a 100% tax-deductible gift to the Annual Fund. You can do so today by using our convenient online giving form, or by calling (408) 256-0000

On behalf of all the students, faculty, and staff at Middleburg Academy, thank you for your generous support.  Together, we’ll ensure that Middleburg Academy makes a difference to our entire family, every day, and for generations to come.

Yours for Middleburg Academy,

Colley W. Bell III

Head of School

Address: 35321 Notre Dame Ln, Middleburg, Virginia, 20117-3621

Principal: Colley Bell

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 408-256-0000